
How many crypto you can get in this system?

This 13 popular crypto coins you can getting free every five minutes: 

  1. Bitcoin (BTC) - 1 up to 20 satoshi; 
  2. Binance (BNB) - 35 up to 450 satoshi;
  3. Ethereum (ETH) - 5 up to 50 GWEI;
  4. Bitcoin cash (BCH) - up to 200 satoshi;
  5.  Litecoin (LTC) - 68 up to 800 litoshi;
  6. Zcach (ZEC) - 56 up to 1000 zatoshi;
  7. Dash (DASH) - 64 up to 600 dashies;
  8. Doge (DOGE) - up to 0.004 doge;
  9. Digibyte (DGB) - up to 0.04 digibyte;
  10. Tron (TRX) - up to 0.04 trx;
  11. Tether (USDT) - up to 0.002 usdt;
  12. Fetorra (FEY) - up to 0.25 fey;
  13. Solana (SOL) - from 200 up to 354 satoshi sol.

Thank you!
